SMA System Solutions for utility scale PV applications - Choluteca, Honduras

Utility-Scale PV power plant – Honduras, 2015

Solarpark Pavana Choluteca – 24 MW

The 24 MW Pavana Solar Park in Choluteca began construction in late 2014 and has been commissioned in early 2015. The system features a decentralized design for numerous reasons, including reduced upfront and long-term costs, increased energy production and ease of installation and future service given restricted site accessibility.

SMA Sunny Tripower 24000TL-US

Choluteca, Honduras


Nominal power
24,552 MWp

Annual energy yield
42 GWh

System Technology
880 SMA Sunny Tripower 24000TL-US
22 SMA Cluster Controller
79,200 Yingli Modules

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